Rebecca Schofield is a 17 year old from Riverview, NB, Canada. On February 9th 2015, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
It was removed the next day and followed by the next two years of treatments, including 30 radiation treatments to the head and spine, and 48 weeks of chemo therapy. All follow up MRIs showed no new growth until December of 2016, when two new inoperable tumors were found. She was given 3 months to a year to live.
She took this news with her usual strength and courage, asking people to think less about how her life will be cut short, but instead about how wicked awesome her time left will be. She started a bucket list and one of the main things on her list was a request for people to perform acts of kindness in her name and share them on social media using #BeccaToldMeTo. This began a movement that has taken on a life of it’s own, and continues to spread worldwide. Becca has been recognized on the local, provincial, and federal level for her kindness movement.
Becca received recognition from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for her “bravery, volunteerism and inspiring commitment to community,” and also received the Canada 150 Senate Medal.
Becca Schofield has also been awarded a Meritorious Service Decoration from the Governor General.
Unfortunately Becca passed away on February 17 2018 at the age of 18.